Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Poor Americans! Enslaved and Zionised

Poor Americans! Enslaved and Zionised

The issues are;

1. Israel is ignoring Peace Process and

2. Israel has enslaved USA.

I don’t know why some people are talking about the mythical and farcical FGM, stone to death, … ! However, they are gutless and refuse to talk about The complete guide to killing non-Jews, Woman beaten on J'lem bus for refusing to move to rear seat, Rabbis Teachings on sex with infants and animals, Jewish Shariah ("hadith") and Stone to Death, Jewish Women Must not Vote, Gentiles Need To Die are supported by Pre-Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews and Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews.

Anna Baltzer, Faruque Ahmed and Rabid Zionist and Tariq Ali and Paul McGeough are further evidence in support of previous postings.

Faruque Ahmed


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--- In, "L" wrote:

Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

Again how many boys and girls had their organs ripped out by zioNAZI filth? Your hypocrisy is gaining no ground here.

--- In, "bruce" wrote:

Paedophillia!!??? How old was dear little Aisha when she was rRAPED by muhammaed!!!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "lal_guru@..." wrote:

Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

As usual! As taxi says, "your father raped your little sister and you are raping your old mother"!!

--- In, "bruce" wrote:

Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

Paedophillia!!??? How old was dear little Aisha when she was rRAPED by muhammaed!!!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "komolarani@..." wrote:

Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

The Zionisd Media Made Americans Mad and Stupid

The issue is Israel and NOT religion.

Religion is for one' spiritual salvation and anyone can practice or ignore any religion. No one can force anyone either way.

What's happening here?

Jodie is getting mad with Islam and she is losing her marble like most Americans.

Americans and Christians fight, die and reward Christ killer Jews and Israelis! They also attack Muslims for Israeli crimes!!

Jodie and most Americans got no guts to discus about Mr. Peter Brennan, Program Director of Radio 2UE, The complete guide to killing non-Jews, Woman beaten on J'lem bus for refusing to move to rear seat, Rabbis Teachings on sex with infants and animals, Jewish Shariah ("hadith") and Stone to Death, Jewish Women Must not Vote, Gentiles Need To Die are supported by Pre-Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews and Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews.

Most Americans are Jewdified and enslaved by the Jews and this is a fact.

Taxi also told us earlier that This is how Israel controls your media and this is happening because 96 % of Worlds media is controlled by just zionist companies.

We also found out that "Does The Military Know Israel Did 911?"! So, please don't shoot the messenger.

By the way Jodie do you like to try these ones?

Islamic contribution in Medicine

Islamic contribution in Mathematics

Islamic contribution in Chemistry

Islamic contribution in Physics

I do not want to waste my time about bruce as his father raped his sister and he is raping his mother according to his religious beliefs and cultural morays.

--- In, "bruce" wrote:

Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

Paedophillia!!??? How old was dear little Aisha when she was rRAPED by muhammaed!!!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "L" wrote:

It is not good to be ignorant of the perversion that the TALMUD helps Israeli's to spread around the earth. PEDOPHILIA, homosexuality and more are condoned by this SATANIC doctrine. AND the staging of FALSE FLAG attacks to be BLAMED on Moslems. In point of fact, some military DO know Israel did 911\e-military-know-israel-did-911

--- In, "bruce" wrote:

Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

Well said Possum!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:
Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

Jodie Does The Military Know Israel Did 911?


Now you are being stupid and ignorant... It fits with the "Islamic thingie."

Any society or country in which the women must walk behind the men, are taught to think they are lower than men, and are forced to wear burkas and are bound by strict religious laws is BACKWARDS AND STILL EXISTING IN THE DARK AGES !! Islam is only for MEN. Islam does not allow women to contribute to society.

Odd that NONE of you ever mention your CHILDREN.

Islam still stones its people to death !! Tragic....

There is no softness or warmth or humanness about Islam...!!! I cannot even visualize a Muslim family... WHY ???

Are there any frivilous, fun things... entertainment like movie theaters in Islam ??

Just a thought... Are there any pets... dogs or cats... in Islam ?? Do you have animal shelters ?? Why is there so much secrecy and so little knowledge about Islam ?? WHY ??


Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

They have given us child rape (dear little Aisha), slaughter of innocents,despotic tyrants, subjugation of women etc, etc!!!

Give us your name and address you gutless piece of shit!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "Rahat" wrote:

Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat


Does The Military Know Israel Did 911? Should be your Bible instead of Israeli propaganda!

Muslim contributions are everywhere.

However, This is how Israel controls your media and this is happening because 96 % of Worlds media is controlled by just zionist companies.

The net impact is you got an anti-Muslim society for no good reason!

Should you wish to rise above, you can see them all.

By the way gutless Sydney media is hiding and not suggesting anything!

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:

Re: Contributions of the Jews... Breathe in the good news -

You seem to deal in nothing but conspiracy theories... They may be FUN and interesting, but most are unproven bull shit. In other words... LIES.

You should know by now that the Jews are a pretty intelligent race... probably the most intelligent of all races. They have made untold and significant scientific discoveries and have shared them with the world. When I was a teenager, I was among the first to receive the polio vacination.

My My... How people forget...

By the way... What has Islam given to mankind ??


--- In, "L" wrote:

Yeah Right! Sure they have Jodie, like stealing organs from little kids bodies. These are TRUE HALLOWEEN GHOULS plain and simple! They STEAL most of what they have from others then claim it for their own. They are the very epitome of PARASITES! That's not hate, those are just FACTS.

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:

Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

They have given us child rape (dear little Aisha), slaughter of innocents, despotic tyrants, subjugation of womenetc, etc!!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:
Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

This is Hate... !!

I am an American, and I don't like the Muslims or the Jews. Neither of them are out to bring peace to the world. But the Jews have given the world much in the medical field to help mankind.

What has Islam given the world ?????????


--- In, "Jodie" wrote:
Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

You are a strange and twisted person!!! You really should take your medication as the media in Sydney sugest!!!!

Cheers Bruce

--- In, "gaschamber_forjews@" wrote:
Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

The Americans are programmed to be anti-Muslim for no reason whatsoever. This nation sends its children to fight and die for Israel because Israel Controls USA! If Americans Knew (videos) probably they would not be looking for more enemies and so called defense outposts.

This totally undemocratic nation is incapable and unwilling to provide the most fundamental health care safety net to its citizens while war and hate are their preferred options!

This is a sick nation.

However, they are scared of Jews and Israel.


October 20, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 245 Comments



By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

"Gentiles need to die….goyim have no place in the world." This was part of a rambling diatribe of racist slurs heard of Israel's Channel 10 this weekend, The perpetrator? Leader of the Israeli Sephardic community, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, founder of the Shas Party, part of the Likud coalition headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This isn't the first time Rabbi Yosef has said these things. The immensely popular Likudist Rabbi, when not calling for the slaughter of Palestinians or advocating the destruction of Christianity, offers recipes, marriage tips and lots of advice on how Jews can rule the world as the new "master race." Rabbi Yosef is a combination of Jon Stewart, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson with more than a touch of Adolf Hitler thrown in for moderation.

Nearly every day now, the world is subjected to one claim or another by a "spiritual" leader in Israel. One day it's "G-d created the planet ONLY for Jews" or the continual diatribes against Christianity, "Jesus was a criminal and liar,


spending eternity in excrement and his mother, Mary, was a whore." This one is repeated so often it is tiring. A couple of years ago, "The Naked Archeologist," a relatively entertaining cable television show hosted by a former IDF commando, "debunked" the entire Christian religion. A family tomb, reputedly that of the family of Jesus, was unearthed in Jerusalem. Removed from this tomb were the inscribed coffins, reputedly with the skeletal remains of, not only Jesus himself, but Mary Magdalene and the Apostle Peter, and any number of other biblical figures believed elsewhere.

Most significant is the claim of finding the remains of St. Peter. The Catholic Church is founded on the belief that Peter is entombed in Rome, his burial spot being the spiritual and geographical center of the Catholic religion.


When the National Endowment of the Arts paid $15,000 of taxpayer funds to an artist who photographed a plastic crucifix in a glass of his own urine, the message wasn't an accident. This was an expression of, not only blasphemous contempt, but of power and control. The message was clear, Christianity is the religion of the cattle and the state is empowered to "endow" any message it wishes reminding, fund anything, any effort, no matter now inane, how barbaric, how wasteful or absurd.


Saturday's broadcast by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was punctuated with continual laughter, riotous at times, from an audience clearly enjoying his message:

"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the people of Israel…Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap.

We will sit like effendi and eat!"


Rabbi Yosef wasn't clear if he was referring to the United States and the billions of dollars in aid given to Israel, the world's third largest arms exporter or making reference to a conspiratorial financial entity bent on enslaving the world. The more the Rabbi talked, the smaller the gulf became between mankind, his "master race" and the "g-d" he seems to act as both exclusive agent and negotiator for.

The Rabbi, called by some "Madman Yosef" went on:

"With gentiles it will be like any person, they need to die but G-d will give them longevity.


Imagine that one's donkey would die. They would lose profit. Their donkey is their servant

The goyim is like a donkey to the Jews, they exist only to serve and are only allowed by G'd to live a long life because they are the beast of burden the Jews. Were the goyim to stop serving Jews, g-d would end their lives"

Rabbi Yosef is the spiritual head of the Shas Party, a member of the Likud coalition, which won 11 seats in the recent election and supports Prime Minister Netanyahu. Oddly, however, the Shas Party claims that the Ashkenazi Jews, those of European dissent, wrongly control Israel and are not genuinely members of "g-d's chosen." Things have been rocky for the Shas Party as their former leader, Areh Dari, onetime Minister of the Interior, was jailed in 2000 for allegedly accepting bribes. Since that time, Shas has joined with the extremist Likud Party of Netanyahu.

Yosef is said to despise Netanyahu, an American born Ashkenazi, but accepts Likud rule based on similar views of the role of goyim in the world.

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:

THANKS Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat

Thanks for the article Bruce. Too few people in the U.S. (and the world) realize or understand the aims and intended results of Islamic expansion. The U.S., because of its history of welcoming foreigners to its shores, has been a real patsy for Islam and its aims. But since 9/11, the "sleeping giant" once more woke up, and there are fewer Arab Muslims... in my part of the country anyway.

Yet it took the killing rampage at the military base in Ft. Hood, Tx. to serve as a reminder of the dangers of Islam. The memory of the Muslim commander's shooting/killing spree alone should be a constant reminder for Americans. Yet, there is now another reminder and argument going on in New York City re: the Ground Zero proposed monument that brings needed fear to the surface once more. Islam wants to be included in the collection of religious shrines at Ground Zero !! LOL Ludicrous !!

If Americans are to believe the story we were told... Arab Muslims were on a Muslim Jihad (?) and took control of American planes that ultimately brought down 3 towering sky scrapers in New York City !!

When a Muslim goes on a Jihad does he hear little voices in his ear ?? Or is it the voice of his present military commander ??

If I were a commander of U.S. military forces, I wouldn't be sitting around waiting for the next Muslim Jihad to happen.........


--- In, "gaschamber_forjews@..." wrote:

Re: Breathe in the good news - Allen West wins Republican Seat in US elections

Who Is Wrong - Israel Or Palestine?

The Genuine Offer of Ehud Barak at Camp David (2000)

Distorting the Camp David negotiations

Israel is a US client state and now we have confirmation that Washington essentially begged Tel Aviv to continue the illusion of a "settlement freeze" over the moribund "peace talks". God help the Middle East.